Sally H. Hall

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There is rest, then there is rest!

I just observed that the word "rest" occurs 10 times in the book of Hebrews! 8 times in Chapter 4. So guess what Chapter 4 of Hebrews is all about? REST! But, it's not the kind of rest as defined by Websters Dictionary (a bodily state characterized by minimal functional and metabolic activities; freedom from activity or labor; a state of motionlessness or inactivity).

Nope, Hebrews 4 isn't talking about that kind of rest at all. It's talking about HIS rest. This has been very interesting...

"Therefore, let us fear if, while a promise remains of entering His rest, any one of you may seem to have come short of it. For indeed we have had good news preached to us, just as they also; but the word they heard did not profit them, because it was not united by faith in those who heard. For we who have believed enter that rest...." Hebrews 4:1-3(a)

"For those who believe enter that rest." Glory be! That TRUTH refreshes me. Spiritually speaking. I mean in my spirit, it's like getting 8 hours of uninterrupted, restorative sleep! (HA - like I can actually remember what that's like...)

Now, I haven't studying all this in-depth, but I think Hebrews 4:1-3 is saying the same thing Romans 10:9-17 says. The gospel was preached to me, I heard it and what I heard, I believed in my heart. At that moment, I entered HIS rest - His finished work. At that precious moment, I understood my need to rest from all my self efforts.

What a precious reminder. But wait, Hebrews 4:11 then says I'm to be diligent to enter that rest (Hebrews 4:11). Wait a minute.... Is it just me or does it seem like an oxymoron to say be diligent to enter rest. Do those two really go together?

I don't know...I've had to dig a little deeper on this one. I'm pretty sure the rest being spoken of in Hebrews is NOT the Webster's Dictionary kind of REST (a bodily state characterized by minimal functional and metabolic activities; freedom from activity or labor; a state of motionlessness or inactivity). I'm to be diligent (to endeavor and exert myself) to enter HIS rest! Ah, the beauty of studying Scripture....

I'm to be diligent to rest in the finished work of Christ and cease from all my self efforts. Ah.....I rest in the finished work of Christ and the promise there will come a day...