Sally H. Hall

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True Confessions

Confession:  I have never read the Bible through in a year!

Truth:  I have never even committed to read the Bible through in a year.

I know, I know - you are shocked, right?  So as not to totally disappoint you, I can say that for years now I have been committed to studying the Bible through - inductively. But yesterday as I took time to get caught up on Facebook, I noted that so many people were committing to reading the Bible through during the next year and I wondered  - "Am I missing something?" Look, I don't need one more thing to do and I sure don't need to add reading the Bible through in a year to my list if I'm only doing it so I can check if off as completed. (I have been known to turn my time with God into a task. Sad, but a true confession.)  As I wondered before the Lord what to do, He brought to mind how much I enjoyed listening to His Word via  The Bible Experience. (Thank you Pam Gillaspie.) Maybe...since I already spend my 45 minutes of getting ready to go to work time listening to praise music or Precept Upon Precept study lectures...I could listen through the Bible this year. Hey, great idea - thank you Lord and Crossway for your ESV Chronological daily podcasts!  I started yesterday and already love the things God is speaking into my heart as I hear His Word.  Now, will I keep it up?