Sally H. Hall

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“I want to know one thing, the way to heaven: how to land safe on that happy shore. God himself has condescended to teach the way; for this very end he came from heaven. He has written it down in a book! Oh, give me that book! At any price, give me the book of God! I have it: here is knowledge enough for me. Let me be: “A man of one book.” —John Wesley

Inquiring minds want to know that they know that they know absolute truth!  I haven’t always been a truth seeker so when I saw this quote by John Wesley it got me to thinking about an unexpected surprise I am experiencing n this phase of my life. Here it is…

Sometimes you get picked over.  It’s almost like you become invisible.  Let me explain it this way.  It’s like picking lettuce at the grocery store.  It might be perfectly fine lettuce but I always purchase based on the date stamp.   Had I purchased the lettuce that was about to expire, it would probably have made a fine salad, but why chance it. Go for the one with the longest shelf life.  Go with what’s fresh.  So, I don’t even bother looking beyond the date stamp.

Honestly, when I first discovered I was invisible I was a little putout.  While my date stamp is obvious, I didn’t yet feel expired.  I didn’t consider that my date stamp rendered me irrelevant or unusable but that was sure the vibe I was often getting. I certainly thought I was trying to stay up with the times and I thought that “I know a thing or two because I’ve seen a thing or two” was a valuable thing in life.  I mean it seems to work for State Farm!

However, and to my wonderment, being invisible has allowed me a vantage point I’ve never had.  It allows me to listen and observe what’s going on around me in a way I’ve never experienced.  I’m not yet sure what to do with all I am seeing and hearing but I sure am processing it all with the Lord.  And now with you!

Yes, all I am seeing and hearing has been going on since the beginning of time but remember, I’ve never had this vantage point!  So, it’s fascinating.  And, it causes me to flashback to the younger times in my life when I made decisions, formed opinions, and shaped my life based on what felt right to me.  What felt right to me became what I believed so it was my truth. Truth was relevant to me.  In case you were wondering, I loved Jesus then too.  I loved His Word, had godly influences in my life who were wise in His Words.  But, looking back, I’m pretty sure I passed over them due to their date stamp.  Times were a changing and they didn’t seem to be keeping up or changing with them. 

Had you asked me then, I would have told you that I believed God’s Word to be absolute truth but you see back then I didn’t really know God’s Word in its context of cover to cover as I do today.  I had no idea it contained such detailed absolute truths that when discovered were and are mind and life-changing.  Truly, I cringe just thinking about just how foolish I was in my thinking and beliefs.  But, those who were invisible in my life then must have stormed heaven on my behalf.

As I now sit invisibly and listen to the conversations around me where thoughts, beliefs, ideas, and determinations are being shared, I storm heaven.  Why?  Because much of what I hear being shared reveals they do not know absolute truths from God’s Word.  Just as I did not know. They are believing a lot of the same lies I once believed.  So, I pray, “Lord, make them curious to know about You and what You say about that…just as You made me curious.” “Oh Lord, give them inquiring minds as to Your Word and help them discover Your Word as absolute truth…just as You did me.”  “Lord, just like me, they don’t know what they don’t know…help them to know You through knowing Your Word.”

I get excited when I pray these prayers as I think about the journey with the Lord through His Word that is waiting for them.  And, just between me and you, I pray one more prayer..."Lord, when you answer this prayer and if I can help, send them my way and allow me to journey with them as You draw them to Yourself through the study of Your Word.”

Inquiring minds want to know that they know that they know!  Waiting, watching, listening, and praying…with great anticipation!