Sally H. Hall

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That the world might know and believe

Our church has been reading through the New Testament this year. Since the first of January, we’ve read a chapter a day and as the events of 2020 have unfolded, the events in the New Testament seem ever more relatable. Talk about division…

Did you know there was deep and generational hatred among people groups? Yes, I said hatred. Further, a tyrannical empire ruled. Most of the religious leaders, the teachers, and keepers of God’s Word, had hearts far from God…a total turn off to religion and knowing God. Women were considered property or less than. Speaking of property…slavery was very much a part of that culture. Jerusalem and beyond was sort of a melting pot of cultures with each culture bringing its methodology, ideology, and theology. There were the “haves” but mostly there were the “have nots.” Rarely were things fair or just. Many suffered from illnesses that had no treatments or cure, forcing people to take to the streets to beg. Get this, some people were possessed by evil spirits. Meaning the devil’s minions took over the mind and body of people making them act crazy and do weird stuff. Horrifying, right? There was sexual immorality of every kind. Some so-called religions even had temple prostitutes. I’m sure you can figure out what that means. For most, life was not good, there was no hope in sight so what did they do? They turned to anything or any god they thought might help…sorcery, drugs…. Things were very, very broken. Dark times with no light at the end of the tunnel. Lots and lots of hopelessness.

Until Jesus, the light of the world stepped down into their darkness…not to offer a better life but eternal life. What? No better life? I mean, isn’t that what we all want? A better life and Jesus?

Yeah, well… Most would never receive justice, be treated fairly, escape the life of “have not” or be healed of their illnesses. But the good news of Jesus Christ provided the help and hope they needed for life in this world. The help was in realizing, understanding, and believing in how much God loved them, sent Jesus to redeem (ransom, purchase) them from their futile or devoid of truth way of life. He did this by shedding His very own blood and dying in their place (and in ours), then God raised Him from the dead. Because He now lives they lived…we live…forever, with Him.

These "hopeless because life would never change" folks comprehended the fact that Jesus’ death on their behalf and their faith in Him, rescued them from the kingdom of this dark world to the kingdom of Jesus having been forgiven of their sins. They realized they were not forgotten, alone, rejected, abandoned, less than, excluded but because of their faith in Jesus, were adopted into the family of God. If you’ve ever shared these thoughts or feelings then you know this is no small thing.

Sure, they still lived in the kingdom of this dark world just like we do. Their situations and circumstances remained difficult and for many just got worse. The hope to survive, endure, bear up under the struggles of life wasn’t about a better life here but about eternal life with Christ. And guess what? Those who put their faith in Christ…those who once hated each other, were sexually immoral, sorcerers, druggies, the haves and have nots, the healed, the sick, slave and free, bringing their methodology, ideology, and theology…they all became one big family in Christ. God’s adopted children. Uh…definitely a motley crew. Then and now.

I just have to sit back in my chair a minute and think about this, visualize this. It’s both beautiful and makes me think of herding cats. One big family adopted by God.

We live in a world just like the world of the NT. Sadly, many people who identify today as Christians (the family of God) are very, very mad at each other, have stopped fellowshipping with other Christians, have grown very disappointed in church, their faith, and the so-called family of God. You know what? Living in this dark world takes a toll on all of us. It’s why I need to preach the gospel to myself every day. How about you?

Can I encourage you as I am encouraging myself? Sit down and think about the message of the gospel and how God described you before you put your faith in Christ. If you are like me, then you easily forget that you were once an enemy of God, dead in your sins, and helpless to do anything about it. Without hope, destined for not only physical death but an eternal death where you would be separated from God’s presence and favor for all of eternity. In light of these truths, what do all the things of this world have to offer?

Don’t you just want to fall to your knees in gratitude? Do it. Don’t your eyes fill with tears? Weep. Does it fill your heart with compassion and love for the lost, lonely, confused, and those trying to learn what it looks like to be a child of God? Do justice, show mercy, walk humbly. Love others as you've been loved. I know, how can we so easily forget? We do and that’s why we must remember. We must go back to the foot of the cross over and over and over. For there we find the motivation, inspiration, and purpose for our lives in this dark world.

Christian, we are not our own. We have been bought with a price. May we never forget Who brought us together in the first place and how. Let’s not take our eyes off the gospel, let’s cling to God’s Word, let’s encourage each other to continue to give up our rights, living for Christ alone, serving one another so that the world might know and believe