Sally H. Hall

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Shut my mouth!

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You know sometimes the things I think about other people are just wrong.  Then, there are those times when I open my mouth and actually share my wrong thoughts with someone else.  So, here are some things I've thought, I've said or I've had said to me.

  • That is not her color!
  • Muffin top is showing.
  • That is not in context so I'm not listening to them anymore.
  • They watch what?
  • Yep, they have gone the way of the world!
  • Where will that tattoo be when they are 80?
  • That voice is like running fingernails across a chalkboard.
  • They should not be in leadership.
  • Our personalities clash.
  • That is so not flattering on her.
  • Can you believe how much weight she has gained?  Bless her heart.

So, here's where the Lord has me this morning.  These thoughts or comments are not edifying - meaning they do not build up that person - in fact, they tear that person down. Some things - many things should never be said. I'm a verbal processor but even in my processing, what gives me the right to think it's okay to say something about another person that does not bring edification? Oh how sad that I cross that line so easily and so often. I'm not talking about speaking the truth in love.  I get there are times when I need to speak honestly but even then it is to be with grace and the best interest of the person in my heart.

I cannot even imagine God and Jesus sitting up in heaven saying things like the above. Even on my worse day, I can't imagine Jesus sitting before the Father saying some of the things I've said or that are said to me about others. Oh Jesus, shut my mouth!  When non edifying thoughts come to my mind, please point them out and cause me to confess before You that these thoughts are wrong thinking toward others. Sure, I know we all do it.  Sure, I know it's the battle of the flesh.  I just don't want it to be the pattern of my life. Wrong is wrong and I don't want to make excuses for myself anymore. Lord, please...shut my mouth!