Sally H. Hall

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The blue-eyed lady

I first noticed her when I heard her fall as she was coming down the ramp.  Bless her, she landed smack on her bottom.  I am not sure when or how, but her britches were down a little so there she was britches down, grabbing at the railing, and extremely unsteady.  As I walked over to her, I saw that her silver shoulder-length hair was tangled, her clothes were dirty, and her left hand was clinging tightly to a lighter. I bent down to her and put my hand under her elbow asking if I could help her get up.  After she was able to get to her feet, I told her I would hold her steady while she got her britches pulled up.  That’s when she looked me full in the face and I saw her beautiful blue eyes.  Deep in those blue eyes was once a vibrant woman filled with hope. 

Looking directly at me she said, “Help me, lady.”  I asked her how I could help her, and she replied, “help me get home.”  As I was asking her where she lived, she turned and started walking away from me not waiting for me to listen or help.  As she staggered up the ramp, it was obvious she was under the influence of something.  It was then, I noticed a policeman at the end of the ramp who had obviously been watching (and may have been why she turned and walked off) so I asked him what could be done or should be done to help her.  He responded, “She’s a regular here.” 

The “here” was Grand Central in NYC.  I was in NYC on a sister’s trip and we had just enjoyed dinner at in the terminal and were on our way back to our hotel.  Because I lived in NYC for many years, I knew being a “regular” meant the blue-eyed woman might be homeless, a wanderer, an addict, mentally ill, possibly dependent on the kindness of others to keep her going, or all these and more could describe her. 

My sister and I proceeded up the ramp and out the doors to see her staggering across the street going in the same direction we were headed.  At our distance behind her, we could see she was struggling to stay on her feet but determined to get wherever she was headed with her left hand still clinging tightly to a lighter.

As I walked behind the blue-eyed lady, I started talking to Jesus. Oh Lord, she never imagined she’d end up like this.  I mean who as a child wants to grow up to be homeless, a wanderer, an addict, mentally ill and dependent on handouts?   Oh Lord, she is one of so many. At that moment, I was overwhelmed by the woes of this world.  In the midst of the city hustle and bustle, glitz and sparkle, holiday lights and festivities, there are a whole bunch of broken, hurting and hopeless people.  As we neared Times Square the lights grew brighter, but it only made the darkness more apparent. 

My heart was sad and troubled but then the message of Christmas began to fill my heart.  Jesus, the Light of the world, came for the blue-eyed lady.  There is good news for this dark world. Light of the world stepped down into darkness for her, for me, and for you.  “For God so loved the world…” He stepped down into darkness.  Right there on the streets of NYC, the reality of this truth from God’s Word took my breath away. I remembered that He recorded for us in His book, the Bible, that since we are flesh and blood, He took on our humanity ─ a babe in a manger, born of a virgin, fully human in every way yet without sin.  Fully God.

All those years ago, He stepped down into a world filled with people who were wandering hopelessly in the dark.  Those who were diseased and desperate knew they were hopeless. Others had no idea they were wandering hopelessly in the dark.  All spiritually dead and physically dying because of sin. The world today is no different than it was all those years ago.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.  John 1:1-5

Jesus stepped down into our darkness offering us light and life. 

Why didn’t I whisper in her ear the name of Jesus for there is power in His name?  Why didn’t I pray over her?  Yes, I did pray for her but why didn’t I think to speak a blessing over her and within her hearing?  I ask God for a “do over.”  I may never have the chance to be with the the blue-eyed lady again but how I long to help her get to her real and final home! In this world, her troubles may not ever end, but her soul might find peace.  The Prince of Peace.  This encounter has deeply disturbed, moved, and motivated me.

I don’t want to miss another chance to speak the name of Jesus, to proclaim Jesus or share the message of Christmas. This message is so beautiful and more than I can really communicate in a post so as to capture your heart and mind.  But, if interested in discovering more, here’s what I can do.  I can offer you the first 4 chapters from my book “Self-Talk” for free.  I promise this isn’t about me selling my book.  I get pennies for each book and besides, I’m offering this to you for free.  I’m doing this because chapters 2-4 will take you directly to God’s Word and allow you to reason and get your mind around what God says about us and the world in which we live. It’s astounding, beautiful, mind-blowing and boggling! Over and over again, I am undone by these truths.

So, if you want to take some time to discover for yourself, or perhaps you want to know how to share with others, here is my Christmas gift to you.

Bless you.

Light of the world
You stepped down into darkness
Opened my eyes, let me see
Beauty that made this heart adore You
Hope of a life spent with You

King of all days
Oh so highly exalted
Glorious in heaven above
Humbly You came to the earth You created
All for love's sake became poor

Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that You're my God

You're altogether lovely
Altogether worthy
Altogether wonderful to me

I'll never know how much it cost
To see my sin upon that cross

I'll never know how much it cost
To see my sin upon that cross

I'll never know how much it cost
To see my sin upon that cross

I'll never know how much it cost
To see my sin upon that cross

Here I am to Worship by Michael W. Smith