Sally H. Hall

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The Science of Marriage?

As I was checking out at the grocery store this morning, this Time Magazine cover caught my attention. I love seeing those two solid gold bands connected. That picture right there so represents a Biblical view of marriage. One man. One woman. No longer two but one flesh. United.

Two people before God, family, and friends enter into a covenant relationship where a solemn, binding and legal agreement is entered into. Vows or promises are made. For better for worse, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death parts. Like two solid gold bands becoming one…joined for life.

Sure, marriage includes physical attraction and lots of warm, fuzzy emotions are involved but the vows or promises made, the solemn, binding and legal agreement entered into…it’s a choice. Every day. We can love our spouses because God first loves us! No, it’s not always easy but it is a choice. Every day. Sometimes it’s not even reciprocated but keeping our vows is still a choice we make. Every day.

It’s awesome…no, it’s unbelievable that God chooses to love me and you and promises to always love me and you. He’s so patient, gracious, merciful and so very, very faithful. He is GLORIOUS. By an act of our will, you and I can choose to love our spouses. Every day. And when the physical changes, the warm fuzzy emotions wax and wane? We who are married by an act of our will choose for better or worse, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death parts.

By an act of our will we choose to honor, respect, encourage, forgive, sacrifice, be kind and patient and more. Every day. This is true love and it is GLORIOUS.

The science of marriage? All about attraction? What keeps love strong? Making the union last? I’m sure it’s a fascinating read, but an even more fascinating read is what God says about it all and He covers it all and more in detail in His Book, the Bible. You know, the truth about love and marriage has been distorted. We’ve been lied to. We’ve believed lies. We need to choose truth and God says His word is absolute truth. Oh, that we might choose His ways for His glory. Every day.

(PS. No, I’m not saying you should stay in an abusive marriage. Of course, there are exceptions. Seek out and get godly counsel.)