The car wash of God's Word

The car wash of God's Word

The other day while going through the car wash I snapped this picture. No idea why but this morning it reminds me of what my morning Bible study looks and feels like sometimes. Let me try to explain what I mean...


The Word starts washing me...spraying me and coming at me revealing my wrong thoughts and motives in order to wash me clean (so to speak). Sometimes I can’t really see what’s going on, I just know that if I stay the course. I have to be aligned just right. You know, get my wheels in the grove, take my hands off the wheel, foot off the brake and boy doesn’t that preach? I do this trusting the wash to do it’s work and that I will come out the other end clean, refreshed, renewed and ready to go.

However, it often seems like a long process of having cleaning suds and brushes coming at me from every direction. But, I must trust that all those nooks and crannies are receiving the attention/cleaning they need. So, I sit waiting patiently for the wash to do it’s work and until I see the green “go” light.

It was this way this morning. I am not really sure how long this is going to take or what all the Lord is doing but I am pretty sure I am sitting in His car wash right now!

Gloomy day, happy cup, encouraged heart!

Gloomy day, happy cup, encouraged heart!

You hypocrite!  Who me?

You hypocrite! Who me?