Sally H. Hall

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Jesus saves lives

So yesterday we headed to Tulsa to visit friends. On the way home, I saw this at a turnpike restaurant stop. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen one and was surprised at the range of emotions I experienced.

Snapping this picture, all I could think of was “Jesus saves lives.” Don’t get me wrong…I am grateful for the lives this drug/testing has saved and can save. But I am sad that we live in a world where this kind of vending has become the norm.

While there is such beauty, wonder, and even joy in our lives, we live in a sick world. A pandemic of sin sickness where death is imminent. Jesus is the only cure. Only Jesus can save us from the penalty of our sins (death=eternal separation from the presence/favor of God=hell) and from our wretched selves.

Thank you, Jesus.