The look of love

The look of love

Recently, my sister and I spent a day taking a trip down memory lane. We decided to commemorate the 10 year anniversary of our mother being with Jesus by spending the day together.  As we looked through old pictures and papers, we laughed and cried and remembered times gone by.

This picture was taken when I was a junior or senior in high school.  Daddy had a business trip to San Francisco and momma and I got to tag along.  That's my mother in the middle and I am on the right - all decked out in my fall (hairpiece).  But, that's not the point of this blog post.  What is the point?  Look at my mother. Dear friends, that look is the look of love.  She was looking right into the camera held by my daddy (the love of her life). How priceless to have captured that moment.  What a gift.

But you know what?  That look of love was not just reserved for my daddy.  My sister and I sure saw it as did many others.  Yes, the love she felt for each one of us might have been a little different but that was her special look of love. She loved well. 

What a legacy.  You might be thinking, "But, I don't have that kind of legacy."  Please keep reading because I have a challenge for us all.

As my sister and I looked through old pictures, my heart soared when I saw this one. I felt hugged and encouraged.  But, I also felt challenged to make sure I am loving well and giving the look of love.  After Jesus comes for me, so much of what I think is important won't even matter.  What will matter is did I love well and did those I love see that special and beautiful look of love?  Did I  leave a legacy of faith and love?  Did you?

Psalm 139 tells us that God knits us together in our mother's womb.  Wow!  That means He picks the family we are born into.  And you know what else?  Each and every person in our lives is a gift from God. Oh Lord, help us to love well. In Jesus name, for His sake and in His power and strength, let's leave a legacy of faith, love and share with all that look of love.  Let's love well!

Okay, so maybe you weren't left a legacy of faith and love but if you have Jesus, you have all you need to leave a legacy of faith and love.  You can learn to love well because you have the Holy Spirit and God's Word!  If you don't have Jesus, let's talk.

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