Sally H. Hall

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Dr. Pimple Popper and God's Word

So, I was watching Dr. Pimple Popper last night. Let’s just blame it on the steroid I’m on for bronchitis, but y’all this episode preached! So hang with me, okay?

It was about a woman who had small bumps all over her face. They started to appear when she was only 5 years old and with each passing year more and more and more showed up. Some of them had developed close together so appeared to be in clusters. She had an adoring husband and a couple of children and what seemed to be a good life, but the bumps kept her from believing and receiving. Sound familiar?

At one point during the episode, she’s talking to her husband about when they first met and she asks him how he could have ever been attracted to her. He responded that he never saw the bumps, only her beauty. She even shared that he told her all the time how beautiful she was but she just didn’t believe him because when she looked in the mirror all she saw were the bumps, heard the voices of childhood bullies, and remembered the stares of strangers.

At one point, she’d had some of the bumps surgery removed and even some skin grafting but was totally dissatisfied with the results. So, she settled into a routine of head down, hiding, and self-loathing. Sadly, her only happy place of solace and acceptance was in the presence of her horse.

Enter Dr. Pimple Popper who sliced, did laser and began the process of eliminating many of the bumps. This took time, precision and skill and the doctor explained it was a very painful process but the woman was valiant. She shared the promise of change…the end result was going to be worth the effort and pain. After some extensive healing, she returned for even more work, more pain, more healing, but yes…fewer bumps.

In the end, she was so pleased with the results because she finally felt pretty. This fascinated me because while she certainly had fewer bumps, I didn’t really understand what in the before and after made her see things so very differently.

Then, I got to thinking about my own bumps. All those things I see in myself that keep me from receiving and believing God’s great love for me. Sometimes…often times, all I see when I look at myself are the bumps. I allow them to shut me down spiritually. Previous work to remove the bumps has left me dissatisfied with the results. A lot of effort, time, and expense for what? So, I stop trying but just like this woman, I keep hoping. Enter God’s Word.

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.  Hebrews 4:12

God’s Word is the only surgical tool that can do what needs doing in me. it is by His hand and His Word, His precision and skill, that my thinking and perceptions are changed. And you know what? This surgery that God does can be painful, require healing, and oh yeah…it’s a multiple surgery kind of process! He determines how, what, and when. But the end result is so worth the effort.

It was such a great reminder to me that I need to commit to the process. Surgery is surgery! It’s probably going to be painful, require healing and all this takes time but without it, there will be no end result…the change I so desperately want and need so that I can receive and believe. Honestly, I’m dissatisfied with precious work because I short-circuited the process. I didn’t see the results I wanted to see or perhaps I didn’t seem them in the time-frame I wanted to see them.

All I know is Dr. Pimple Popper reminded me that I have to go to the Word of God, submit and commit to the surgery, and I will see the results God intends as He intends.