There is clean and then there is clean

There is clean and then there is clean


Every other week (or so), I clean our home. It’s the get in the corners, scrub the scum, attack the blinds, and make everything shiny kind of cleaning. By the time I’m finished, a long hot shower is needed and then it’s time to fix dinner. And the process of “getting dirty” begins all over again! Along the way, I will try to spot clean. You know, stay up by wiping down the counters, swifter, or steam mop the kitchen. But, when cleaning day comes, it’s needed.

Where does all the dirty dust come from? It just floats out there waiting to attach itself to everything and there is no stopping it. And, I’m convinced that everything we do daily leaves a trail of dirt. I don’t always look forward to cleaning day but I do love and enjoy the outcome of a clean home! So, my two-week schedule allows me to keep up with the dirt. If I go much beyond that, it makes the cleaning so much harder.

You know this preaches right?

The dirt and dust of this world sticks to everything…including us. We know that as followers of Christ we are to be different from the world in our thoughts, values, attitudes, and behaviors. But are we? I don’t know about you, but every single day I am bombarded with thoughts, values, attitudes, and behaviors that I know are dirty for God’s Word tells me so.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, we need a deep cleaning and we only have to spend 10 minutes on social media to see each other’s dirt to know it’s true. Goodness, our thoughts, values, attitudes, and behaviors are no different than those who do not profess Jesus as Lord. We rant and rail against each other. We air our dirt when we publicly complain, use foul language, share how we watch stuff we shouldn’t be watching, and even recommend to others. We are just as agitated, angry, and confused as the next guy. We are comfortable being dirty for we live in a world in which being clean makes you the bad guy. The upside-down one. Being clean, or in this context holy … set apart from the world in our thoughts, values, attitudes, and behaviors … well, it’s uncomfortable. It makes you a clean freak. Besides, what difference does a little dirt make, right? No one else seems to be hung up on it. Yeah, this is exactly how dirt gets piled up in the corners of our hearts.

I could let my house go longer before cleaning it. I mean it’s just me and Tom and these are the days of COVID-19 so it’s not like we are having dinner parties or overnight guests. But, I’ve set a standard for cleanliness in my home. It’s the same with our faith y’all. As believers, our standard of cleanliness (holiness) is God’s Word. You and I must set aside regular times to allow the Spirit of God to take the Word of God and clean our thoughts, values, attitudes, and thus our behaviors. Because you and I know the standard of cleanliness God has set for us, we come alongside each other and help each other uphold that standard so that we do not dishonor God or His Word, each other, or ourselves. Yep, dirt and dust are flying and easily settle and stick to us. We’ve just got to get on a cleaning schedule so we can stick to our standards…no…to God’s standard of cleanliness.

Can I challenge you to do something? Go to the link below and examine these passages by making a list of what you learn about (a) clean or holy behavior and (b) dirty or unholy behavior (sin). Let’s allow God’s Word to wash away our dirt (sin). These passages get in the dirty corners of my heart every time. If you accept this challenge, please let me know.

Bless you.

Ephesians4:1-3; 4:14-32; 5:1-17

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