

Once upon a time when I was young (before I could read), my mother would read the Bible to me. She could never get too far because I couldn't get past "In the beginning." I would ask her over and over again (even after I could read) "in the beginning what?"  Her answer was always straight from the Word of God - Genesis 1:1 to be exact:  In the beginning God...

Commercial:  You know, through all the twists, turns, bumps and bruises of life, I've needed to get past what God doesn't say in His Word so that I could focus on what He does say.  And, boy oh boy does God have a lot to say.  For years, I bought the lie that I couldn't understand God's Word or the lie that people actually have license to interpret the Word of God based on their understanding.  Hogwash!  I promise you that if you learn how to study the Bible inductively, you will understand what it says, what it means and how to live and order your life based on what it says and means!  Now, how cool is that? End of the commercial!

As I was listening to the January 1-2 ESV Chronological podcast and heard "In the beginning God...", I chuckled and stood in awe of God who wants to reveal Himself to me.  Ephesians 1:3-6 says that before God ever spoke the world into existence (Genesis 1) He thought of me and planned for me.  Seriously?  Yes, seriously and that means all He did "in the beginning" - He did for US.  Oh, my goodness - He simply yet powerfully spoke and...

  • Separated the light from the darkness and the waters from the waters and dry land appeared.  He spoke and...

  • The earth sprouted vegetation.  He spoke and...

  • Lights appeared in the expanse of the heavens to separate day from night and as the signs for seasons, days and years and to give light on the earth.  He spoke...

  • Two great lights into existence - The great light governs the day and the lesser light governs the night.  He spoke and...

  • There were fish and birds and cattle and every creeping thing!

But God formed and fashioned man and woman with His very own hands. Let me repeat myself - oh, my goodness!  Can I share from my heart?  We just need to get past what we think we know about God and sit down long enough to read and study what He does say so we can discover and understand it for ourselves. Please - oh please - let's don't miss the wonder of it all.  The One who spoke the heavens, earth, stars, moon, and sun into existence, knit us together in our mother's womb and knows us intimately (Psalm 139) and HE wants to have an intimate relationship with us!  Nope, we do not want to miss this!  let's go for it...  Run!

Women of the Word by Jen Wilkins
Living by the Book, The Art and Science of Reading the Bible by Howard G. Hendricks and Willaim D. Hendricks

Sticky Notes!

Sticky Notes!

True Confessions

True Confessions